Let me introduce myself
I am Vimal G Shettigar

I am a Partly full time blogger, affiliate marketer and entrepreneur
Vimal G Shettigar is the Founder & Author of ImproveDigi. He is an Engineer in Computer Science & Engineering Stream. He has completed his Engineering From a Private College in Mangalore.
When I was studying in college, got access to the Internet. I discovered that Google and Youtube, etc are different sources of online revenue.
I have invested 2.5+ years learning the fundamentals of digital marketing and have assisted some others in expanding their internet marketing careers. My main motivation has always been to help people succeed.
I am a 22 year old partly full time blogger who loves to do blogging and affiliate marketing with handling multiple social media accounts under different niches and share knowledge with others. I’m a passionate entrepreneur by heart.
About the Blog Name
I combined the name from both digital and enhancing the new content from the creative world of digital marketing. That’s how the Improve Digi was began.
Struggling Period
It was back 2020 while I heard the word “earn money from online”
Then I have taken many courses and tried learning from YouTube. I didn’t find success in any fields of digital marketing (Dropshipping, Youtube, Freelancing, creating courses, POD, blogging) and Trading. I struggled and failed many times in the field of digital marketing while I was trying several career options under the digital marketing field.
Before creating an improve digi blog. I have previously created and failed in more than 3-4 different blogs.
Currently I Am running blogs, multiple social media accounts (instagram, pinterest, facebook, etc) and doing affiliate marketing and earning a decent amount of money from that.
Further I am trying and experimenting google and facebook ads and testing many different products from the various affiliate network platforms under different Niches.
More To Go… This is Just a Beginning…
Best Regards,
Vimal G Shettigar
To reach me personally, go here: